SEO is Dying Info Graphic Reboot

Randfish brings up something interesting about the search trend for “SEO” here.

Source for Google Searches chart below.

SEO is Dying Inaccurate Infographic

As long as there are people searching on the search engines, SEO will exist as a technical discipline.  <— Please read that again!

It does look like Google has lost total search volume, so am I concerned?  Not exactly.  Google is losing a little bit of market share here and there.  Even given that, their growth trend is definitely not getting bigger.

Really, there’s not a lot of room for growth for Google in Search.  They DOMINATE in almost every other country by getting upwards of 98%+ of the total search volume in big, 1st world countries — Australia, Europe, and more.  In the US, Google “only” has 2/3 of the search market share.

Rockefeller would be proud.

People love Google.  And they have spoken for a loooong time.

Will it last forever?

We shall see…

I suspect social media sites are replacing some of the places that people start with when they sit down to their computer.  Not good for SEO long term.  However, I believe there are large classes of tasks integrated into society that requires searching algorithms on that thar computer.

Search is like electricity and water and cars flying cars.

Geeks win again!

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