What Are the Most Popular Search Engines?
While Google is the most popular search engine in the United States & in the world…BY FAR…
…there are still other search engines that get traffic as well!
Search Engine Market Share in the USA
Let’s focus in on the USA market share for search engines because that is where most of my market lies.
Check out this useful graphic:
- Google: 61.4% of US searches goes to Google — To the surprise of no one, Google sits at the most popular search engine in the United States. What might surprise people, is that they don’t get anywhere near 100% of the searches as I think many assume.
- Bing: 26.7% of US searches goes to Microsoft (mostly Bing) — This does surprise a lot of people that Bing/Microsoft can be this high, but it makes sense because all PC’s come preloaded with Bing as the default search engine and a lot of people don’t bother changing it.
- Verizon Media: 11.1% — I question this data because, (A) Yahoo is missing and (B) this seems inflated and (C) there are a variety of different numbers in this area from different sources. But, we’ll roll with this and assume this is because Verizon is the biggest or typically right up there with the biggest cell service providers in the US (competing with AT&T primarily).
- Ask Network: .7% — Ask Jeeves anyone?
- Yahoo!: ?% — not listed, but I’m pretty sure that Yahoo! gets about 1-3% of USA searches
- DuckDuckGo: %? — not listed, but I’m pretty sure they get about .5% to 2% of the USA searches and they are very popular in some circles
Worldwide Search Engine Market Share
Here’s a graphic for global search engine market share:
Google dominates much more internationally than in the US.
Some countries have as high as 98% of the search traffic going to Google!
Baidu is a Chinese search engine taking up 82% in China.
What is a better Search Engine than Google?
It depends on what you would mean by “better” …
A lot of people like DuckDuckGo because of their privacy.
However, Google has been a step ahead of all their competitors in search engine results relevance for 20+ years!
Furthermore, they are “the best” for businesses to target because there’s more search volume there!
If you’re a business, you will want to target all or most of your SEO work towards Google. There are specific Local SEO techniques that just apply to Google. The same is true for On Site & Off Site SEO.
Which Search Engine is the Best?
Google or DuckDuckGo or Baidu…depending on your situation.